Monday, December 7, 2015

From One Parent to Christmas

If you've been following my blog, you already know that I'm a Plexus ambassador who has had some pretty significant results since I started my Plexus journey in August of this year. However, what you might not know (unless you know me personally) is the fact that I'm a parent.

I have three of my own children and I have a step-son whom I love just like he was my own. I write this post because I want to talk with you as one parent to another, and it all comes from something my youngest son (5 years old) said to me last week.

It was Wednesday and I was taking him to his basketball practice. We left the house together and I'm still thankful that he said what he said before we got to the school where his practices are held. He said, "My Mom will never be fat again!" He said it loud and he said it proud while we were walking to my van. Then he looked at me and he said, "Right Mom?"

What could I say? I had to reply with, "Right, Caleb." It was true. He was right. I would never be "fat" again.

I thought about his words and they were so sweet, even if they would have embarrassed me around strangers. The fact remained that this little boy, whose world is so small and so innocent, noticed the fact that I was no longer as big as I once was. I'm far from my goal weight, and I've still got a way to go before I reach it, but I'm getting there.

Parents, it's Christmastime. I talk with a lot of people about Plexus all the time, and I totally understand why so many of them want to wait to start Plexus until after Christmas is over. I do. Those wish lists from the little ones in your home are probably getting longer by the day, and more than anything, you can't wait to see their faces light up on Christmas morning. I also know what it's like to go without just so your kids can have everything they need or want. I'm the Mom who has to be told by my husband to by myself new clothes because I'm still wearing a lot of the same things I wore five years ago. However, in that moment with my son, I realized what he really wanted, more than anything else...even if he didn't realize it himself.

He wanted a healthy Mom.

I haven't been that Mom for a long time. The changes I'm seeing in myself are small, but they're there. So far, I've noticed:

  • Being able to actually fit in amusement park rides so that I can enjoy them with my family instead of sitting on the sidelines because getting into them is so uncomfortable (or impossible).
  • Being able to fit my youngest on my lap once again because (hey, would you look at that!) my lap didn't actually disappear after all. 
  • Not getting sick all the time and having to take time off from my work and time off from my family because I needed to rest.

When I started with Plexus, I started because I was desperate to lose weight. I couldn't stand how I looked anymore, and I felt powerless to stop the weight from creeping up on me. It was a decision that changed my life. In fact, yesterday, I posted this picture on Facebook:

This is how much my jeans size has changed since I started Plexus in August. This picture shows a decrease from a size 24 to a size 18. That's a major change! It's inspirational for me to see this, and I hope it inspires you too. 

When I think about how many toys my kids got for Christmas last year that they no longer play with or care about, it spurs me on to do something for them that matters. What matters to me (and to them) is having two parents who are healthy enough to play with them and laugh with them. Material gifts will be under our Christmas tree this year, of course. But in addition to those, my kids will know that they have two parents who care enough about them to be around for a long, long time. 

Do you want to know more about Plexus? Click on the link above to see my site and learn more about the products. Contact me on Facebook if you'd like to talk in more detail about how Plexus can work for you. 

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